Dr. Wilbur G. Allen, PhD
This study is built upon High Definition (Avid workflow) documentation of UFO anomalies in a fixed airspace (Fixed Pool
of Analysis). (FPoA) Images are active links. Some lead to supportive websites, while sample based imagery all go to the
corresponding YouTube channel (U-HD 4K). This material is built upon AVID U-HD video workflow. UFOdc workflow
(Network Television*) appears at the bottom of this page. I am a Production company*. I work Extreme Environments.
This page is best viewed via Computer. Its not designed for cellphone's
In each example, cameras and telescopes are aligned, are magnetically aligned based on NSEW (compass alignments.)
The FPoA in each example is the same. Objects are appearing along the same trajectories within a FPoA, (Fixed Pool
of Analysis). Based on research, the objects I captured have been here many centuries. From objects in the Time of
Jesus, to the Celestial Event over Nuremberg in 1561, this documentation proves these ancient objects are indeed still
within our airspace. This data illustrates affirmation to the above. Logically, it is only fitting to start this discussion from
day one,
Are these depictions of Advanced Extraterrestrials? The field in which this Spirit is enveloped, is in exactness to
the fields emitted by the Tic Tac organisms (USS Nimitz) documented by US Navy F-18's on a training mission.
These illustrations are based on events experienced by the individual that experienced them. The same is
reflected in the artwork relative to Nuremberg 1561.
the times of Jesus. Based on this illustration, showing Tubular craft enveloped with Fields of Energy, and the
fields associated to the Tic Tac Organisms (Energetic) as shown below. This energy field allows this craft to
achieve WARP velocity within our atmosphere, in Silence. There is no sonic boom. It travels at extreme mock
speeds, silently. However, I have recorded objects flyby while emitting an unusual sound(s) as it passes
through the image frame. My imaging technology is equipped with a 3 point microphone system which
records perspective correct sounds from objects in front of it. 3 point mics are Left/center/right @ 48 Hz.
Is this UFO an Energetic Tic Tac (High energy), based on the field definitions of this artwork?
The camera output videos are processed in Avid Media Composer 2021 U-HD.
Processed video out put renders perfect imagery: Boris EFX. Those files with recorded sounds will be best
Is this an illustration of an extraterrestrial (Jesus)?
viewed and listened to on a Large screen with Headphones. They're stereophonic recordings, and track along
with the UFO objects as they pass through my Fixed Pool of Analysis (FPoA). The sounds are perspective
correct based on each objects trajectories. How or when I acquired this illustration is unknown? It was on a
book cover (paperback) published in the 1950's or 1960's. My searches relative to this drawing have come
up blank? However; the other illustrations are taken from the Holy Bible. My samples are obtained within a Fixed
Pool of Analysis (FPoA). They are High Energy Organisms with variable output levels. They can Fold Time/Space
of which Nuclear Energy is required.
The object illustrated above documented using Hyperhubble technology Variable IR technology. Based on
USS Nimitz
my observations, this craft makes our Largest Aircraft Carriers look like a single man rowboat, in size and
magnitude. My observations are as follows. In each if not most of the events, the object simply appears;
it does not fly through as one would anticipate. It simply "appears", in most cases 100% stationary, then
upon manifestation into our realm, instantly to to WARP. These are invisible to humans. The database is
built upon collective 4K U-HD documentation. AVID U-HD workflow.
For that, I looked into Extreme Invisibility. Extreme invisibility based on the limited ranges of the Human Eye.
The human eye operates within ISO 0 through ISO 800. As illustrated on the wavelength chart above, That
notch between UV and IR Is the bandwidth of Human Vision. These samples are imaged in Invisibility. They're
mostly (95%) 470nm IR, (15%) 500nm IR. 470nm Gamma/X-ray bands of invisibility. 470nm IR Hypercolor IR.
For my analysis I created a Fixed Pool of Analysis. The area of which does not deviate as based on magnetic
alignments via compass. My OTA is aligned along the (X and Y) axis at 0. If I have 0x and 0y as equals, I know
I have perfect 0 (90 degree) alignment along the x and y axis. It is perfectly aligned and aimed specifically: 90*
straight up. With NSEW my primary spaces based on absolute zero. A Fixed Pool of Analysis based on tube
assembly positioning. RED North is absolute frame Right, South frame Left. West is Top and East is bottom of frame
based on magnetic alignment/camera positioning. All the stars in each clip flow upwards (Westerly). These are
Organisms. They all vary in definitions. While some suggest exactness based on Field definitions.
The objects depicted in this artwork, rendered in 1561, are also still within our airspace. They have not changed.
My documentation shows with 100% certainty, the very same objects in flight within our airspace. My research
begins in P-53 Restricted Airspace, Washington DC in 2002. In 2002 I did not have motion picture capabilities.
However; I had extraordinary still frame capabilities. My motion picture capabilities did not happen until 2012
while filming for MTV-CMT/Discovery in AREA 51 Nevada and Sedona Arizona. The objects depicted on the
1561 artwork are also illustrated in the Holy Bible during the days of Jesus. This indicates these objects and
their occupants have been here for some time now. An examination of the objects depicted in 1561 as seen
and captured by 4K Motion Picture Technology:
The objects illustrated became a prevalent part of my research, of which I am not the only to have documented.
Click on images to play videos
I begin with this unusual anomaly, and its variation of colors, as illustrated in 1561. Click on images to access U-HD AVID workflow videos.
4 -22-2015 UFO Cluster Flyby Reanalysis 2017. Based on the data, this anomaly appears to be "alive". It morphs
as it flies by. It looks like deflated balloons, however deflated balloons can't maintain flight buoyancy, as this
anomaly does. In the image sample, a smaller white sphere is seen It morphs into the other spheres as it flies
by. Its color qualities are unusual, and I have several other examples which meet the criteria of this anomaly.
4-11-2014 UFO Orange and Yellow in Rotational Forwards Fight (Reanalysis 2017). Other than color consistency to the
Cluster flyby. That does not preclude the possibility that these maybe of the very same technologies, as those illustrated
in 1561. The anomalies
illustrated below are still present. I base this on observations and events I experienced and documented in AREA 51
Nevada. My crew and I (BBC) had quite an experience while filming MTV-CMT My Big Redneck Vacation in AREA 51
Nevada and Sedona Arizona. What I documented and experienced were intense, to say the least! An object, which
slithered like a snake,however in flight, made telepathic contact. It instructed me to "pack my shit, and leave immediately".
Needless to say, I packed my shit and left immediately. while My BBC crew was face down in the dirt, with M-16's
pointed @ their heads. There was a jeep with a machine gun mounted on top headed to my location. They were coming
for me, in the same manner in which my crew was apprehended. (At gunpoint). They were AREA 51 security and I
documented and experienced something the others did not. They (ET in telepathic contact), started following me;
and appeared on command (AREA 51). Additional data can be found here
Click on images to play videos
Click on images to play videos. These files are specific. Additional data can be found here
A ship encompassed in Energy, generated by nuclear propulsion systems (ET). IR 470nm
My systems recording U-HD 4K, have captured several UFO/UAP anomalies, all of which match with 100%
certainty, the anomaly illustrated above during the times of Jesus. This craft moves @ Mach velocities in
absolute silence. There are several versions which differ in Length. The Energy output of this object is most
spectacular. Based on my evidence, these objects exist beyond the ranges of Human Visibility, which is
limited specific wavelengths of light, nothing more.
Wavelength nanometers
Click on image for specific vision data. The diagram below illustrates the narrow bands of
light humans can see. Humans are limited to ISO 0 (zero) during the day, and ISO 800 under nocturnal
conditions. Its obvious we are looking @ the same ET craft technology as illustrated in the days of Jesus.
The definitions of each event, 100% consistent. They're here (Earth) and they are on a mission. What that
mission is, is unknown. However; they have been here for thousands of years, and are superior to man
and his limited technologies. They are in invisibility, and in abundance in our airspace. Additional
research associated with these objects can be found here.
The White Band of Light UFO's
Click on images to play videos
Sound is present in this stream of data (P-53 Restricted Airspace)
Additional data relative to the White Band of Light can be found here
The Red Band of Light UFO's
Additional data relative to the Red Band of Light can be found here
The Blue Band of Light and Blue Diamond UFO's
The objects illustrated became a prevalent part of my research, of which I am not the only to have documented.
The data is 100% consistent with data from the US Navy Solar Observatory, which I have included i this analysis.
Note the colors of these anomalies, and the samples of the Orange and Yellow Tic Tac shaped objects 4-11-2014
above. I move to the Spheres.
Click on images to play videos
The Spheres. My data indicates they move in 3 modes: Formation of 3, usually seen in a Triangular formation, and
in Pairs. However I now question that what I am seeing are 3 objects or one object split into 3?
4-25-2016 UFO Sphere Triangular Formation SM SDM Analysis: Proof positive Portals exist. In this clip there are 3 Spheres,
they decloaked and cloaked again, vanishing from the image area. With multiple events within my pool of analysis, plotting
the location of each event would gauge the approximate locations of these portals. I have one object which split into 8, then
reformatted itself within what appears to be a glitch in the Matrix, included in this sample. If not for the quality U-HD AVID
workflow which includes Boris FX applications. The workflow is superb Broadcast/ Motion Pictures 4K Standards. These
are scientific grade research samples. 1952 Delbert Newhouse UFO footage, Tremonton, Utah example of what is referred
to as Luminosity's To see actual story of 1952 Montana UFOs. These anomalies are still within our airspace. I have 12 samples
of these objects in tandem flight. I have been able to match the 1952 objects with the objects I captured in Hyperhubble (IR)
They are one and the exact same object 70 years apart. We are looking @ the very same object pairs,however captured
in a Hyperhubble (4K) Infrared motion picture application. There is a Red Field around these objects. They are not of this
world. Their uniform definitions consistent with Nuremberg 1561 objects. From my data its obvious these objects have not
advanced (technologically) from 1952. However; the technology used in documentation has changed spectacularly. High
Speed applications (60fps) and High Speed captures, indicate a predominant presence in our airspace as illustrated
in the following samples: UFO Sphere Pairs in Tandem Flight Tracker Analysis.
The 9 samples below, represent the
UFO Sphere Pairs samples.
Click on images to play videos
Each example is aligned NSEW, regardless of my location. I use a magnetic compass and align my systems (all) in
the same manner based on the compass.The Illustration above shows my camera positioning based on magnetic
P-53 Restricted Airspace, Washington DC. I'm 4 blocks from the White House. Restricted Airspace definitions:
This object adheres to the definitions illustrated in 1561 Nuremberg. At this time, I did not have remote controlled
camera systems. I used Time Lapse, usually 1 frame per second, using 60fps frame rate settings (no blurring)
on any of the frames. A 1 (one) frame per second motion picture taken using high speed shutter settings in a
controlled Time Lapse environment. (High Speed Time Lapse). I evolved with the help of a Friend: Gary Greenfield:
CEO of Avid Technology. Gary was crew of the USS Nimitz. I include samples which the USS Nimitz encounters
substantiate. However; I must mention an encounter in which 2 USAF F-16's were dispatched from Andrews
Air Force Base to intercept a Blue and yellow object in Andrews AFB Airspace. Note the shape of this object
which is antigravity. It is consistent with Nuremberg 1561 UFO anomalies. Each of the enclosed samples are
based on the Nuremberg data.
The anomaly depicted in this artwork, resembles what we now know as a Tic Tac. The Tic Tac became prevalent
from encounters documented by the USS Nimitz in 2004. The F-18 FLIR captured an Organism. These samples
reflect that organism as captured by my telescope technology. The data includes samples which are
repeat event objects (one specific organisms) based on its energy output signatures. The energy output of this
organism indicate immense energy outputs. Output energy of which only Nuclear can generate, is the only known
force in which Time and Space can be offset. The ability to Fold Space, to go from one realm to another. To leave
instantly, effortlessly at any time and any place would include a modification in molecular density. At a specific
density, I can pass through anything within higher order conditions. Changing my molecular density, I can exist
outside the boundaries of limitations. Are these (USS Nimitz) the same objects as described in the Bible?
Captured by the ISS, a fleet of Tic Tac organisms entering Earths atmosphere.
Click on images to play videos
Based on data, I can conclude these to be Tic Tac Organisms, based on this sample*, "Just disappeared" is only the tip of the iceberg.
Microbial comparatives. Though thee are microbial, they are the closest comparatives to the Tic Tac Organisms
encountered by the crew of the USS Nimitz 2004.
Additional information regarding these Extraterrestrial organisms can be found here.
The Glitch in the Matrix. An event of which defies all laws of Physics as humans know it. In this sample
the anomaly illustrates other worldly capabilities. If these are camera glitches, why does it only affect
the sphere and not the entire image frame. As the anomaly glitches, the stars stay 100% stationary.
A glitch affects the overall image, not one specific part of it (just this sphere)? However to understand
the capabilities of these objects, you must have illustrations in which all Physics is defied. The above
image frame is directly below Navy Lt. Commander Alex Dietrich (below). She describes the manner in
which they "just disappeared".
"Just disappeared" Navy Lt. Commander Alex Dietrich. Based on Lt. Commander Dietrich,
these objects demonstrated superior technology when engaged. The ability to vanish; leave
this realm, would require nuclear capabilities. These samples illustrate those qualities. There
is a "Field" around these objects. The field modulates rotationally clockwise. The anomaly appears
to molecularly deconstruct as it leaves this realm. In some cases that molecular deconstruction and
reconstruction is more instantaneous. To phase in and out, here and there. To deconstruct into
nine segments and then reformat back to one (1) object. While glitching in time @ high velocity,
instantly? Certainly no man I know can withstand the level of G-Forces this object exerted. A sample
below (4th image frame), shows a Tic Tac materialize into the airspace, in the same manner in which
it disappears. With such capabilities, how does man think he can tactically engage these superior
These samples certainly illustrate the Commanders encounters. As for the required energy, the Power output to offset Time/Space could
only happen under Nuclear conditions. These organisms have Higher Order electrical systems (Nuclear). They have the ability to Fold Space.
I experienced an anomaly at the US Capitol Building July 16, 2002, generate a Wormhole and exit the airspace through the self generated
Michai Morin: A Presentation on Historical & Modern UAP
John Ramirez CIA Officers Experiences with The Phenomenon.
John Ramirez is a friend. I share my data
wormhole. The anomaly was a formation of Luminous Green Spheres in a formation of 4. The Green anomaly was documented in Space by
July 16,1952
Apollo 7, 11, 14, 16. My event (7-16-2002), was most extraordinary. The Negation to the Laws of Light in Motion:
Extraterrestrial Physics does not adhere to Earthly conditions. I sampled my still frames and videos to
create UFO Colors 3DS Bitmap materials (paints) used for Motion picture Special EFX and 3D Game
Solar Systems. High Speed 4K 550nm IR 60fps @ 1/8000th of a second. Technology designed to capture
High Speed objects in space, in and around the Sun. Solar specific Infrared motion picture technology. The
objective is to capture Solar anomalies. Page includes U-HD IR Lunar Surface scans. I provide Superior
Broadcast Motion Picture Content.
I am a Production company*. I work Extreme Environments. These are my Broadcast TV projects.
The Travel Channel Program Content Provider
Coast to Coast with George Noory featuring Wilbur Allen
A&E History Arctic Circle (cast) Program Content Provider
NBCUniversal The Weather Channel/Sy-Fy channel (cast) Program Content Provider
UNIVISION, Mexico Program Content Provider
PBS/Howard University Television Program Content Provider
Discovery/BBC Discovery Networks (cast) Program Content Provider
MTV-CMT My Big Redneck Vacation (Cast) Program Content Provider
Dr. Edgar Mitchell and Wilbur Allen
Study of UAP's (UFOconnector) Deb
AREA 51 Nevada featuring my BBC Crew and I
UFO Colors: Motion PIcture Special EFX and 3D Game Development Color 3DS Bitmaps.
White House/Air Force One/Marine 2 Contractor
George HW Bush and I
I am the product of the DoD, USAF.
AVID Media Composer 2021.6 64 Bit Digital Editing Mastering, Motion Picture production. Boris Fx Continuum 2019