How ET Enters Our Airspace

This data is built on AVID DNxHD 200 workflow. Ultra HD Video standards

Avid Media Composer 6.5

AVID Media Composer 2019 64 Bit Digital Editing


Boris Fx BCC 2019

Nikon DSLR Autodesk 3dsmax 2019

History channel H

Wilbur Allen Coast to Coast 3-03-2016

Extraterrestrial Einstein Rosen Bridge Wormholes: ET Portals to Earth and Beyond

Updated 10-16-2018

Wilbur Allen on Coast to Coast 3-03-2016 12 midnight -2:00 AM

Kip Thorne Time Travel

Dr. Kip Thorne -Is Time Travel Possible?

The methods in which UFO enter and exit our realm.

This element of my research comes with forensic documentation associated to objects which sudden appearance

or disappearances documented in filming. Unlike (NASA MIR-ISS) footage filmed in Space during

the 1990's. Understanding the level of technology in 1990 , my examples represent a more advanced level of

imaging technology, most of which are High Speed captures

(60 FPS @ 1/60+ per second shutter speed or greater; 1/500th of a second).

This sample also includes Hyper-Full Spectrum Infrared* samples; IR 650nm-950nm X-ray/Ultraviolet

Non visible bands of light. The data suggests light emitted from UFOs are in both visible and non visible

ranges. * IR ISO 102400-204800. Videos rendered with Nikon D4/D4S camera technology, processed AVID/Boris Fx BCC 9.2

In all files are associated Sounds. UFO anomalies do make

noises, most of which are unlike any known sounds. Those sound associations are unique and relative to

the UFO as it passes through the image frame.

NASA Portals.jpg

NASA Admits Hidden Portals Opening Above Earth. The representation of a Spatial Portal is incorrect.

Wormholes and Rotating Magnetic Fields: Generator Earth

(2 Spinning Magnets North and South Pole)

Each Magnetic Pole has an associated Wormhole

Magnetic Pole Wormhole diagram.jpg

(2 Spinning Magnets South and North Poles)

Each Magnetic Pole has an associated Wormhole

The Wormholes discovered onboard MIR by US and Russian scientist, were located at the Geographic North

and South Poles. My research focused on events located near the North Pole Wormhole. Understanding Earths

magnetic fields, we can illustrate field variance associated to each magnetic pole. Though discovered in 1990, it

is my belief that these Wormholes existed far longer than we can imagine.

Top 10 Dark Parallel Universe Stories

Research regarding unusual events

in the Polar Ice Caps. Of those unusual events, "Operation Highjump" and the destruction of the US Naval Fleet

in 1946, Antarctica.


Operation Highjump: The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946–1947. How could

Admiral Byrd have known that at the South Pole is an Entry-Exit Wormhole associated to the Magnetic Pole.

Nazi UFO Base


What "took-out" the fleet may have been extraterrestrial Spacecraft associated to that Wormhole pathway,

South Pole Antarctica. My research, however, is conducted relative to the North Pole in Alaska. (North Pole)

Kip Thorne-Why Blackholes are Astonishing

Kip Thorne-Why Blackholes are Astonishing

Russian Wormholes in Space

1990. :"At this time, without a doubt, the Americans already knew very well, the way in which the appearance and
disappearance of the UFOs taking place in the atmosphere of our planet" (1990). 

5-08-2020 UFO Band of Light Instantaneous Materialization Hyperstar 470nm IR Analysis

5-08-2020 UFO Band of Light Instantaneous Materialization Hyperstar 470nm IR Analysis. An extraordinary example of Quantum


2-15-2018 UFO Band of Light Portal Entry Analysis

2-15-2018 UFO Band of Light Portal Entry Analysis. The path in which an object enters and exits our realm, incrementally. This

object does not fly into the airspace, however manifests as to appear through a gateway, door, a portal into this world.

these are all within the same pool of analysis.

11-27-2016 UFO Band of Light SM WARP Analysis

"The way in which the appearance and disappearance of the UFOs taking place in the atmosphere of our planet"

7-09-2017 UFO Band of Light SM FB Analysis

7-09-2017 UFO Band of Light SM FB Analysis. A clear example of an object that suddenly appears into the airspace.

In an obviously clear sample, this object appears from out of nowhere? Clearly indicating the validity of a Spatial

Anomaly: Portal within my fixed pool of analysis.

"At this time, without a doubt, the Americans already knew very well, the way in which the appearance and
disappearance of the UFOs taking place in the atmosphere of our planet" (1990). 

DSC_2018 UFO Band of Light closeup WARP SDM Analysis 2_000117

Band of Light UFO Object at extreme velocity and up close. An extreme capture: Nikon D5.


Footage taken by NASA showing events illustrated here in HD, however in the 1990's.

1-28-2015 UFO 2 SM WARP SDM Analysis

1-28-2015 UFO 2 SM WARP SDM Analysis

10-15-2015 UFO SM WARP SDM IR Analysis

The objects in this NASA video are exactly the same, however; lower resolution than materials in this research. There are sounds

emitted by the objects*.

11-25-2015 UFO SM WARP IR RAW Analysis

Showing consistency with these objects and those imaged in space by NASA (above).

Russian FLIR Thermal Imaging Supportive UFO File

Russian FLIR Thermal Imaging Supportive UFO File From "Men in Black" Russian Documentary.


Russian scientist onboard MIR first observed and documented anomalies appearing, when entering our atmosphere and then

vanishing when exiting the atmosphere. Footage was imaged onboard the Russian Space Station with US astronauts as crew.

We have state of the art examples of this type of event, imaged in Space, by the Russians, however; now on Earth.

Earth Mag Field_000000.jpg

Magnetic field illustration using iron filings

Magnetic field illustration using iron filings, will illustrate 2 magnetic fields (North & South)

Magnetic poles associated to Earth..

Earth magnetic field panavision.jpg

The Magnetic Poles associated to a rotating sphere Earth. As Earth rotates, so do its magnetic fields, creating

an energy field substantial to support Einstein Rosen Bridge Wormholes/Stargates. Like a cellular 4G Network,

there are portal associated to the 2 central wormholes (North and South Magnetic Poles). These networked

portals allow ET to Enter and Exit our realm undetectable (until they manifest/materialize). The limited visibility

UFO Wormhole entry.jpg

How do spinning magnets create energy (power) sufficient to facilitate Spatial anomalies (Wormholes), lets examine

how Generators work in creating power. The Earth is a spinning sphere with 2 rotating magnetic poles:

(North and South) Two spinning Magnetic Poles (North and South), rotating at matching rotational speeds as

the Sphere (Earth) they are connected to. The 2 rotating magnetic fields are facilitating Spatial Anomalies

(Wormholes). However; unlike what is believed, these 2 North and South Pole Wormholes have extended Portals

in ET areas of interest.

Hidden Portals in Earth's Magnetic Field

Hidden Portals in Earth's Magnetic Field

Hidden Portals in Earth's Magnetic Field, NASA's documentary on Spatial Anomalies (Portals/Wormholes)

Tracking a UFO is impossible based on our current levels of technology. Invisibility is an element we are not

prepared for, an element of surprise which can be deadly. Time Travel another element of utmost uncertainty,

we have no mastery of technology (to my knowledge) that would allow for Time dilatations. Such technology

would require immense power (nuclear) to bend Time and Space, however; a small reactor would be required.

The updated materials captured via Hyperstar clearly demonstrates the way in which these objects enters our

airspace. NASA is correct and incorrect relative their findings associated with Spatial Portals. My data suggests

that these portals exist everywhere, not just the Bermuda/Alaska Triangles. Hyperstar Infrared data is most


Earths Magnetic Fields

"Scientist are finding that the weakening is causing technical problems for satellites, and seems to be growing in its

effects". My evidence suggests these objects are self generating spatial portals.

Quantum Teleportation

Quantum Teleportation and Objects which "suddenly appear".

7-18-2018 UFO Red Band of Light 4 Portal Entry WARP Hyperstar IR Analysis

7-18-2018 UFO Red Band of Light 4 Portal Entry WARP Hyperstar IR Analysis. A clear example of an anomaly (Red Band of Light)

UFO, which does not fly into the airspace, it materializes into it, as if its entering through a door. The pathway in which these objects

enter our airspace maybe "self generated". This Hyperstar Infrared sample is ISO 204800 FSIR RAW. The anomaly shown is the

basis of research conducted by Grumman 3-08-1960

The strange object was reported as result of a news story in the Argus-Leader saying a vapor trail or what resembled a large beam

of light in the atmosphere was reported over Sioux Falls and later much of the nation. There is no scientific explanation, as yet for

the object, which was reported traveling cast to west rather than on the west to east trajectory common to man-made satellites.

This Grumman example serves as the basis of analysis to this study. What's imaged is not a vapor trail, however; an extraterrestrial


7-18-2018 UFO Red Band of Light 5 Portal WARP FB Hyperstar IR Analysis

7-18-2018 UFO Red Band of Light 5 Portal WARP FB Hyperstar IR Analysis. We are looking at forensically authenticated ET


9-19-2018 Red Band of Light 3 Portal Entry Hyperstar 470nm IR Analysis

9-19-2018 Red Band of Light 3 Portal Entry Hyperstar 470nm IR Analysis. The way in which these objects enter our airspace is

based on obvious pathways (Portals) within my Fixed Pool of Analysis. From where did this object come from? Based on the

video evidence, the object entered through a "door"; pathway in which it appears incrementally. This door swings both ways

allowing entrance and exit within any given airspace. The Exit pathway could also serve as its entrance, which based on this

evidence, happens within my FPoA (Fixed Pool of Analysis)

10-04-2018 UFO Red Band of Light Portal Exit Hyperstar 550nm IR Analysis

10-04-2018 UFO Red Band of Light Portal Exit Hyperstar 550nm IR Analysis. This object departs this realm within the same airspace

that it appears. I have established forensic authentication to the 3-08-1960 Grumman findings.

D5U_2126 UFO Band of Light SM WARP Analysis_000136

The Band of Light UFO materializes into the airspace. Contrary to beliefs, this sample clearly illustrates how this UFO

suddenly materializes (appears) into this video. NASA has confirmed the existence of Spatial Anomalies.

Russian ISS UFO

Russian ISS video showing UFO objects suddenly materializing into Space, through a portal associated to the North

or South magnetic Pole. The object in the Russian spatial footage suddenly appears. It had to exit a portal to enter

this realm or area specifically. Based on this research, these spatial portals maintain relative geospatial positioning,

(they don't move, maintaining a relative fixed positioning).. This study is based on relative geospatial positioning

associated to the analysis pool. My approach is simple; I match objects in Space with objects I imaged on Earth

(some with sounds).

Space Shuttle Atlantis

An event documented by the Space Shuttle Atlantis showing 3 sphere anomalies in a triangular formation outside

the shuttle launch bay.

4-25-2016 UFO Sphere Triangular Formation SM SDM Analysis

4-25-2016 UFO Sphere Triangular Formation SM SDM Analysis: Proof positive Portals exist. In this clip there are

3 Spheres, they decloaked and cloaked again, vanishing from the image area. With multiple events within my pool

of analysis, plotting the location of each event would gauge the approximate locations of these portals. These are

perhaps the same Sphere anomalies documented by the Space Shuttle Atlantis.

5-24-2015 UFO Spheres-Pairs SM Event 6 Analysis

5-24-2015 UFO Spheres-Pairs SM Event 6 Analysis. Unlike my many other examples of this paired UFO tandem

flight anomaly, this is the first in which these objects materialize into the image frame*.

3-01-2016 UFO Pairs Flyby IR Tracker Analysis 3

3-01-2016 UFO Pairs Flyby IR Tracker Analysis 3. In my analysis of this footage, I discovered there were other unseen

anomalies which appeared and vanished within this video segment.

Frame prior to manifestation of anomaly

I performed a frame by frame analysis, looking at each frame singularly in this analysis. Frame prior to anomaly


Amomaly manifestation frame 1

Frame at point of anomaly manifestation

Anomaly enhanced 1

Singularity which manifested briefly, had a red energy field associated with it.

fir_6388 ufo pairs flyby ir tracker analysis 3_002353e

I used an edge finding algorithm to look at this anomaly.

fir_6388 ufo pairs flyby ir tracker analysis 3_002353f

The shape is within that which is defined as a Sphere , however with a protrusion which one would interpret as a

balloon, however, balloons don't suddenly materialize.

fir_6388 ufo pairs flyby ir tracker analysis 3_002353g3

My analysis of both the spheres and the SM (Sudden manifestation) object, was to look at the energy fields of

each airborne anomaly. Each anomaly recorded in IR, an energy variance which fluctuated between each object.

Matching White-Red Modulating Sphere

3 -24 -2014 UFO flyby Analysis 2 Washington DC

Matching anomalies based on past documentation. This 3-24-2014 Modulating Red and White Sphere is a match to

the paired UFOs above: 3-01-2016 UFO Pairs Flyby IR Analysis

1960's UFO called Luminosity's

1960 example of what is referred to as Luminosity's

5-31-2015 UFO Sphere Close Flyby SOUND analysis Complete

5-31-2015 UFO Sphere Close Flyby SOUND analysis Complete. I've never heard anything quite like this? My only

description is "Terminator Time Sphere" meets "Ultraviolet Bug Zapper", when insects fry upon contact with

electrodes. (Forensic sample)

7-26-2018 UFO Luminosity FB with Diffusion Hyperstar IR  Tracker Analysis 2

7-26-2018 UFO Luminosity FB with Diffusion Hyperstar IR Tracker Analysis 2. A luminosity is captured through the Hyperstar lens,

as it enters into the airspace, it passes through a thin layer of cloudmass, which generates diffusion from the objects luminosity.

10-05-2018  Luminosity FB Hyperstar 550nm IR Tracker Analysis 1

10-05-2018 Luminosity FB Hyperstar 550nm IR Tracker Analysis 1. These are absolutely extraordinary Infrared motion picture


7-31-2015 UFO Sphere Close Proximity Flyby Analysis

White luminous Sphere UFO in a close proximity forensic flyby. (Forensic sample)

US Capitol UFO 7-16-2002

Dr. Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14) and Wilbur Allen on ET Wormhole Technology, highlights of our lecture

2002 US Capitol UFO Mark Rosoff Film Analysis .jpg

Image negative (film) analysis by Mark Rosoff, DoJ-FBI Film lab

5-31-2015 UFO Green Sphere SM SDM WARP Analysis

5-31-2015 UFO Green Sphere SM SDM WARP Analysis. The return of the Green Spheres was indeed inevitable.

This is the second capture with exact characteristics* to the file below this. 7-18-2014 UFO GREEN Sphere SM

SDM Analysis. Full story and analysis of Green Fireball UFO

New Jersey UFO Paranormal Consciousness Conference Wilbur Allen-UFO

My introduction to the way in which the UFO materialized into our airspace, was presented to me in AREA 51 Nevada

on October 12, 2012. I did not realize how significant this

sample would become, until later on down the road, when it became a predominant object in my analysis. I did not

understand how this object would simply appear in the sequence of Time Lapse videos I recorded in Sedona Arizona.

Sedona AZ drop camera sequence showing object warp into frame and slow down in Sedona Nevada 10-26-2012

UFO Sedona Arizona, as it dropped out of WARP and stopped: Uncovering Aliens (BBC/Discovery)

Kip THorne-What is Time and Space

Kip Thorne-What is Time and Space

INitial manifestation of UFO in Sedona 4-07-2013

Sedona Arizona in 2013. Time Lapse @ 30 fps

Initial manifestation of UFO in Sedona 4-07-2013. Object is partially visible as a streak. These samples are all 20 mm

perspective from essentially the same POV as 10-26-2012 in Sedona (Object drops out of warp, and stops) Click on

above image to see extraordinary UFO entrance into Sedona Airspace (Please play in 1080 Full Screen Mode)

Uncovering Aliens BLACK OPS CONSPIRACY  UFO Sedona AZ 4 07 2013 Analysis 2 Pt1

Uncovering Aliens BLACK OPS CONSPIRACY UFO Sedona AZ 4 07 2013 Analysis 2 Pt1

Object is now fully manifested into the airspace. To preserve space, I have created a composite and slow motion

video of this event. RAW video (Click on image above) AVID Media Composer 7 using Boris FX BCC 8.2

To further this analysis, I had to search for examples referencing a luminous object with characteristics

associated to this sample. The sample showed the general location of the Entry-Exit Portal in that geospatial

location. This data supports the events reported in JAL flight 1628.

Japan Air Lines flight 1628 incident

Japan Airlines flight 1628

Third Object: Band of light UFO*

Where the first objects disappeared, Captain Terauchi now noticed a pale band of light that mirrored their altitude,

speed and direction. Setting their onboard radar scope to a 25 nautical miles (46 km) range, he confirmed an object in the

expected 10 o'clock direction at about 7.5 nmi (13.9 km) distance, and informed ATC of its presence. Anchorage found

nothing on their radar, but Elmendorf ROCC, directly in his flight path, reported a "surge primary return" after some minutes.

As the city lights of Fairbanks began to illuminate the object, captain Terauchi believed to perceive the outline of a gigantic

spaceship on his  portside that was "twice the size of an aircraft carrier". It was however outside first officer Tamefuji's field of

view. Terauchi immediately requested a change of course to avoid it. The object however followed him "in formation", or in

the same relative position throughout the 45 degree turn, a descent from 35,000 to 31,000 ft, and a 360 degree turn. 

The short-range radar at Fairbanks airport however failed to register the object.

Sudden manifestation of UFO in real time. Sedona 4-08-2013

The Third object, a Band of Light, twice the size of an Aircraft carrier. Imaged with a 20 mm lens, this object in space

was indeed massive. In its image representation, the object appears from out of nowhere, flies through and then vanishes..

Sudden manifestation of UFO in real time. Sedona 4-08-2013. Click on image to access real time video+

4-08-2013 Sedona, and cylinder object suddenly appears in the frames. This is example 2 olf 5 showing this suidden materialization of UFO anomalies

4-08-2013 Sedona, and cylinder object suddenly appears in the frames. This is example 2 of 5 showing this sudden

materialization of UFO anomalies Sedona 4-08-2013: UFO sudden manifestation . Just as in 4-07-2013 , this sequence

of frames shows a UFO anomaly, suddenly manifest within the image area. This indicates that the technology imaged utilizes

dimensional transport technology which allows them (ET) to materialize in any given airspace. This wormhole/Stargate

technology is clearly demonstrated on my HD video samples. Click on image for Slow Motion Video. Though extraordinary

examples of how objects appear into our realm, more evidence was required to prove the validity of my theory associated

to Wormholes and Wormhole extension Portals. To prove this event in Time Lapse, I need further examples relative to

these Sedona examples.


Evidence from a second party source, a child onboard an aircraft filming out his window* (The first 25 seconds of

this YouTube video shows the Band of Light UFO)

3-17-2016 UFO Cylinder SM WARP IR Analysis

3-17-2016 UFO Cylinder SM WARP IR Analysis

3-16-2016 UFO Cylinder 6 SM WARP SDSM Analysis

3-16-2016 UFO Cylinder 6 SM WARP SDSM Analysis

3-16-2016 UFO Cylinder 4 SM WARP SDM Analysis

3-16-2016 UFO Cylinder 4 SM WARP SDM Analysis

3-16-2016 UFO Cylinder 2 SM WARP SDM Analysis

3-16-2016 UFO Cylinder 2 SM WARP SDM Analysis

3-16-2016 UFO Cylinder 1 WARP SDM Analysis

3-16-2016 UFO Cylinder 1 WARP SDM Analysis

7-30-2014 UFO SM WARP SDM Portal 2 Analysis

7-30-2014 UFO SM WARP SDM Portal 2 Analysis. 50 mm f/1.4 @ 60 fps. In this full flyby sample, we see there are

no echoes associated to slow shutter speeds (24 fps). The object passes fully intact, and maintains visual consistency

throughout this sample. However, I do have 2 samples which show it out of phase, though imaged @ 60 fps. Those

files can be referenced in the Washington DC chapter of this research study.


8-27-2015 UFO Green Beam SDM WARP SDM Analysis

5-04-2014 UFO Portal 1 WARP Flyby Analysis

5-04-2014 UFO Portal 1 WARP Flyby Analysis

There are several objects in this report, that are prevalent throughout UFO reports, the Spheres and the large

"Band of Light UFO". My samples show this object has extraordinary capabilities. My research in Alaska is to locate

a "Wormhole" Portal, which I have located. Nikon D4S, 60 fps using 1/60th of a second shutter speed. this UFO

is 1/2 the size of the object in the sky of Sedona. Its moving at extreme speed. The conditions in which this file

is captured confirms its not a result of slow shutter speed. (24 fps/ always generates echoes/frame blurring. In

some cases, where indicated **, SOUNDS were recorded in surround sound, rendering acoustically, the spatial

coordinates of the anomaly as it passes through the image frame).

Cylinder 11-23-2013

Band of Light UFO, Japan flight 1628  November 17, 1986. The anomaly I reference is "The Third Object"

(click on image). Dr. Bruce Maccabee. Dr. Maccabee's analysis is scientific and relative to the Physics associated

with the Band of Light UFO and the other anomalies associated to Japan Airlines Flight 1628*.

10-15-2015 UFO 4 Band of Light SM Flyby Analysis 2

10-15-2015 UFO 4 Band of Light SM Flyby Analysis 2

UFO Cylinder SM (Sudden Manifestation), however; in Infrared FS-RAW (non filtered). Like previous examples, this object

suddenly appears into the image frame perspective. This is a test of the technology, and part of an array (in construction)

8-13-2014 UFO Cylinder Green tail WARP Sound Analysis

8-13-2014 UFO Cylinder Green tail WARP Sound Analysis. There were sounds associated to this event, and the

camera recorded them. Sound generated by anomaly is 100% consistent with sounds generated by a similar object

recorded 5-04-2014 in the same airspace. The anomalies stay relative, however; there are sounds associated to the

objects. These sounds are uncommon with "shooting stars-meteors". Even more uncommon would be the trajectories

associated to this anomaly in my analysis.

8-03-2015 UFO Cylinder Green Beam WARP Sound Analysis

8-03-2015 UFO Cylinder Green Beam WARP Sound Analysis. The frequency of events suggests there is an ET Base,

Cloaked Mothership, or Stargate Wormhole Portal in my immediate vicinity. This is a 100% match to the very next

sample* 8-13-2014 UFO Cylinder Green tail WARP Sound Analysis. They're 1 year apart, however; both show the

exact same thing and sounds associated to this anomaly UFO.

D5U_2155 UFO Band of Light FB Analysis_000078

Band of Light UFO Extreme Close Flyby

2-20-2016 UFO Cylinder Cigar WARP SDM IR Analysis

2-20-2016 UFO Cylinder Cigar WARP SDM IR Analysis


Though consistent in luminosity, the structures of some of the UFOs imaged changed

from the Band of Light configuration to something tubular, cylindrical as illustrated in this National Geographic

reference file UFO.

Shreveport, Louisiana 11-01-2012

NGM reference file (Click on image). Please note Metadata section of page.

Shreveport, Louisiana 11-01-2012. In a 550 frame sequence taken at 00:41:45 AM, we have 1 frame which shows a

luminous object and contrail, as it ascends into Shreveport. Atmospheric conditions in Shreveport are poor. There is

excessive light and air pollution in this immediate area. I matched this frame sample to video footage taken in

Japan 11-15-2012.

Shreveport, Louisiana 11-01-2012 enhanced sample, shows object and contrail

Shreveport, Louisiana 11-01-2012 enhanced sample, shows object and contrail. Frames are taken spaced 5 seconds

apart, and 550 frames total from start to finish. Matching footage filmed in Japan 11-15-2012. Click on image sample

below to access Japan matched footage. Note: The images look 100% alike, however mine is in Shreveport, not Japan

I generated video from the frames. The video has 2 frames before and 2 frames after the event. Video generated in HD

Enhanced frame sample used to match Japan sample

Enhanced frame sample used to match Japan sample. A change in brightness in my sample, shows exactly what is

imaged in Japan 11-15-2012, however in Shreveport. This indicates that whomever operates these anomalies is

based both in Japan and Shreveport Louisiana. Both samples indicate the objects trajectory is ground based. Even

odder, the samples show this object in the same angular flight trajectory. However; what's extraordinary is what

appears after this cylinder flies by! An Orange sphere which cloud like consistency, manifests into the frame, and

flies through the sample while doing a 180 degree turn. I created video and a composite frame to show this UFO

anomaly as it manifested during this sequence of frames.

A 100% match to the anomaly I imaged in Shreveport LA

Note: The images look 100% alike, however mine is in Shreveport, not Japan. What are the odds that an image taken

in one part of the world, be taken again, almost 100% exactly the same, however 15 days and thousands of miles

apart? 2 exact physical samples showing exactly the same thing..

The actual documentation of UFO with overall consistency of these Cylinder UFOs has been frequent and often.

UFO at Warp

Cylinder Light Ships, also referenced to as "Band of Light UFOs"

Band of Light UFO

We have examples of this anomaly entering and exiting our airspace using various levels of imaging technology.

Full Spectrum Infrared examples have also been recorded. Using a forensic comparative analysis I am able to show

with 100% certainty, the way in which these objects operate when entering and exiting our realm.

5-04-2014 UFO Portal 2 WARP Flyby Analysis

How UFO enter our realm: 5-04-2014 UFO Portal 2 WARP Flyby Entry Analysis (Sounds associated to file)

How they enter and exit our realm is based on Quantum technology. Knowing this to be a reality based on

this forensic sample, we can conclude that people and aircraft that go missing, may have entered or been

taken into a spatial vortex (Wormhole Portal). These portals (Wormholes) were discovered onboard MIR in

the 1990's by US and Russian scientist (Dr Kip Thorne).

5-04-2014 UFO Beam of Light Entry Analysis

A more extensive analysis on this cylindrical tubular UFO.

5-04-2014 UFO Beam of Light Entry Analysis** The re-analysis of this footage using AVID Frame Flex and Boris Fx

Time Warp/Video Noise Reduction. To further examine this object, a flyby is required.

1-20-2016 UFO SM WARP IR Analysis

1-20-2016 UFO SM WARP IR Analysis : The way in which the UFO enters our realm within a fixed region of Space.

4-13-2015 UFO Beam of Light Flyby Analysis

4-13-2015 UFO Beam of Light Flyby Analysis. This anomaly is usually captured materializing into this realm, and

this is a first Flyby of this object captured. Its a match to 5-04-2014** (above). A comparative basis of analysis,

showing a Cylinder-Cigar UFO anomaly in various phases of flight.

1-03-2016 UFO Sphere SM and Green Beam UFO SM WARP SDM Analysis

1-03-2016 UFO Sphere SM and Green Beam UFO SM WARP SDM IR Analysis

1-21-2015 UFO WARP SDM Analysis

The way in which the UFO enter and exit our realm may be relative to Portal positioning. All samples within this study

enter and exit within relative regions of space. Those spatial portals maybe connected to a larger source, generally

located above the magnetic poles associated to planet Earth.

8-14-2015 UFO Green Beam WARP SDM Analysis

8-14-2015 UFO Green Beam WARP SDM Analysis: The way in which the UFO appears and disappears from our

airspace, is well illustrated in this incredible example of an object simply vanishing, while it's contrail lingers. The

technology recorded all sounds associated to these events in 7.1 DTS Surround Sound. The DTS recordings

enhance the spatial positioning of the objects as they pass through the HD image frame. All files rendered in

AVID Media Composer using Boris Fx Image restoration applications to reduce video noise associated to the

recordings. at high ISO's. The way in which this object vanishes, without a trace or fragment associated to the

object. The object could not simply vanish, it had to go somewhere. The somewhere is a Spatial Portal, connected

within a network of portals (of interest to ET). My initial thoughts where that these portals would have some level

of visual signature. Something that would show its existence? For this I used a one of a kind camera, modified

for Full Spectrum Infrared.

1-06-2016 UFO Band of Light IR Flyby Analysis 2

1-06-2016 UFO Band of Light IR Flyby Analysis 2

Clearly an illustration in the manner of which these objects enter and exit our airspace and realm within a fixed

region of space. Infrared visibility indicates the luminous qualities associated to these objects are both within

visibility and invisibility (IR).

1-06-2016 UFO Sphere Cylinder SM WARP SDM Analysis 3 IR .jpg

1-06-2016 UFO Sphere Cylinder SM WARP SDM Analysis 3 IR. This is an advanced analysis, showing the anomaly

in ultra slow motion. The sample shows the UFO anomaly simply vanish.

1-07-2016 UFO SM WARP Analysis 2

1-07-2016 UFO SM WARP Analysis 2

I've shown through examples, the validity of an active portal which is geospatial. The way in which UFOs enter and

exit our realm. Noting that 80% of my samples all are following along exact trajectories. The frequency of events,

dates and times of occurrences, all relative. Recorded visual data incorporates Metadata into the image protocols. Time

, date, GPS co-ordinates, camera angular positioning (x, y, z) spatial positioning, all recorded within the Metadata element

of the recordings. We have accurate times, dates, and visual representations.

1-20-2016 UFO SM WARP SDM IR Analysis

1-20-2016 UFO SM WARP SDM IR Analysis

1-22-2016 UFO SM WARP SDM IR Analysis

1-22-2016 UFO SM WARP SDM IR Analysis . Entering and exiting our realm, in the same relative region of space,

in each example.

1-22-2016 UFO 3-Cylinder WARP SDM IR Analysis

1-22-2016 UFO 3-Cylinder WARP SDM IR Analysis

2-11-2016 UFO Cylinder SM WARP SDM Analysis

2-11-2016 UFO Cylinder SM WARP SDM Analysis

NASA in Space Nikon D3S

The basis of my technology is built upon this NASA ISS orbiting system (2016). My systems include H-FSIR and FCNV


UFO AVID Analysis

Video image processing and analysis using AVID Media Compose 8 and Boris Fx BCC 9.2

64 Bit technology. This research is built on Advanced Technology

Avid Media Composer 6.5

AVID Media Composer 8.0.4 64 Bit Digital Editing


Boris Fx BCC 9.2

Masthead History



Dr. Edgar Mitchell: Thank you Dear Friend-Rest in Peace 2-04-2016

To learn the methods I use to create these video/image files, go here:

howard university web logo

Howard University Department of Art/School of Communications

Wilbur Allen